Original Short Story from China Miéville

To celebrate Three Moments of an Explosion we've released an exclusive look at one of China Miéville's incredible short stories, Polynia. 

China Miéville lives & works in London. He is three-time winner of the prestigious Arthur C. Clarke Award and has also won the Hugo, World Fantasy and BSFA. Mieville has also won the British Fantasy Award twice. His book The City & The City, an existential thriller, was published in 2009 to dazzling critical acclaim & drew comparison with the works of Kafka, Orwell & Philip K. Dick. His 2011 novel Embassytown was a widely praised foray into science fiction, which featured on ‘Books of the Year’ listings for the GuardianHeraldFinancial Times Sunday Times.

To celebrate Three Moments of an Explosion we've released one China Miéville's short stories, Polynia. Click here to read POLYNIA. Let us know what you think!

Just a few of the incredible reviews for this very talented writer:

‘Simultaneously reverent and brimming with punky attitude . . . Miéville is ever forging new ground, even when walking the same grey pavements as his readers’ Independent

‘Miéville again proves himself as intelligent as he is original’ Michael MoorcockGuardian

‘An eye-opening genre-buster. The names of Kafka and Orwell tend to be invoked too easily for anything a bit out of the ordinary, but in this case they are worthy comparisons . . . The City & The City could be described as an allegory about the power of political belief, or our ability to see only what we want to see, but the novel is more complex, less abstract and more exciting than that implies . . . a gripping and thought-provoking read’ The Times

‘Fiction of the new century’ Neil Gaiman

 ‘Daring and disturbing’ Walter Mosley

‘One of the most interesting and promising writers to appear in the last few years in any genre’ Carlos Ruiz Zafón, author of The Shadow of the Wind

‘Miéville has reshaped modern fantasy’ Washington Post

‘A short story writer of awesome imagination and power . . . Dark, witty, ingenious, scary and utterly, utterly compelling’ BBC Focus

Three Moments of an Explosion: Stories

by China Miéville

In these twenty-eight short stories, glistening icebergs float above urban horizons; a burning stag runs wild through the city; the ruins of industry emerge unsteadily from the sea; and the abandoned generations in a decayed space-elevator look not up at the stars but down at the Earth.

Ranging from portraits of childhood to chilling ghost stories, from dystopian visions to poignant evocations of uncanny love, Three Moments of an Explosion is a breath-taking collection that poses searching questions of what it is to be human in an unquiet world. 

The Last Days of New Paris

Book cover for The Last Days of New Paris

Don't forget to grab China's newest book, The Last Days of New Paris,  stunningly surreal alternative history of Paris ...

Available now in Hardback and as an Ebook and Audio Book!