The ‘Make it Fair’ campaign: a powerful call to safeguard creative rights in AI

Today the Creative Rights in AI Coalition launches the ‘Make it Fair’ campaign, a powerful call to safeguard creative rights in AI.

Make it FAIR

As publishers we are readily embracing the opportunities of AI, but this must not be at the expense of copyright and the fundamental rights of creators. 

The campaign, which has received widespread support from news publishers and others in the creative industries, calls on the government to uphold our world-leading copyright regime, in the face of potential new legislation to enable AI companies to access the work of creatives without permission or remuneration. 

The UK copyright regime is recognised as a gold standard worldwide, enabling creativity, nurturing innovation and driving the growth of our £124 billion world-class creative industries.

To support the campaign, email your MP today to ask them to safeguard creative rights in AI.