Little Superstars: DollyCampbell BooksAge 2 +Board bookPre-order nowAmazonBlackwell'sBookshop.orgFoylesWaterstonesWH SmithWordery05 February 2026Imprint: Campbell BooksSynopsis10 pages9781035075348Details05 February 202610 pages9781035075348Imprint: Campbell BooksBooks by Campbell Books PreviousMy First Tummy Time BookLittle Superstars: DollyLittle Superstars: HarryI Love You, My Little OneBusy HanukkahThe Wizard of OzChristmas Magic PaintingElephant, Elephant, What Big Ears You Have!Crocodile, Crocodile, What Sharp Teeth You Have!There Are 101 Jobs That People Do in This BookAlice in WonderlandThe Jungle BookMatty and Mo: The Lost TeddyMatty and Mo: Are We There Yet?Farm Magic PaintingBusy PrideBusy New YorkMy First Search and Find London Sticker BookEaster PeekabooLittle Superstars: TaylorLittle Superstars: BeyoncéCan You Find Mummy?Busy DiggersMy First Space Book'Twas the Night Before ChristmasBusy DiwaliHalloween PeekabooWho's Hiding At Halloween?Tiger, Tiger, What Stripy Fur You Have!Monkey, Monkey, What A Curly Tail You Have!There are 101 Dinosaurs in This BookThere are 101 Things to Find in SpacePoppy the Pigeon's London HomeBreakfast for Little BunniesBedtime for Little BearsBusy BoatsKitten, Kitten, PEEKABOOBear Cub, Bear Cub, PEEKABOOHide and Seek On the FarmThere Are 101 Things to Find in LondonSpinosaurusIguanodonMy First Journey Around Planet EarthMy First London Touch and FindCan You Find The Easter Bunny?Busy EidCan You Find Santa?Busy NativityPick-a-WitchBusy GarageBusy DancingMoo Cow, Moo Cow, PEEKABOO!Lion, Lion, PEEKABOOMy First Body BookPeter PanBusy Post VanBusy ScootersThere are 101 Minibeasts in This BookThere Are 101 Animals in This BookWhere is Little Elephant?Where is Little Kitten?Busy TennisBusy HolidayBusy GardenPuppy, Puppy, PEEKABOODuckling, Duckling, PEEKABOOWho's Hiding On Safari?StegosaurusTriceratopsThe Little MermaidBusy Royal FamilyWhere is Little Tiger?Where is Little Bunny?Who's Hiding In The Park?Pick-a-ChickI Love My MummyMy First Clock BookAt The ZooOut In SpaceBusy Chinese New YearBusy FootballBusy ChristmasBusy BeijingLet's Brush our TeethNo More TantrumsWhen I'm a TeacherWhen I'm a DoctorOn the FarmUnder the SeaWho's Hiding In The Jungle?Busy PuppiesBusy TrucksI Like To Be HelpfulWhen I am SadTyrannosaurus rexDiplodocusI Love My DaddyBusy PartyBusy BikesBusy Fire StationBusy FarmBusy ParkBusy TrainsBusy AirportBusy PetsBusy SwimmingMy First Search and Find: On the FarmNo More DummiesLet's Wash Our HandsWho's Hiding On The Farm?Busy Easter ChicksRabbitDuckTiger At The BeachFrog At The FarmMy Magical SantaBlack HistoryBusy HalloweenSportsAction RhymesAnimal RhymesBusy SafariBusy JungleKatie the KittenSpiderButterflyI Can Say SorryI Can Be PatientMy Magical CastleBusy Sports DayOn The Farm Sticker Activity BookBusy CarsWhen I'm a NurseIt's Lunchtime, MonkeyLet's Go Out, ElephantThe Gingerbread ManInventorsBedtime RhymesBusy ShoppingBusy AmbulanceLizzy the LambHoneybeeLadybirdBusy EasterMy Magical Easter Bunny Sparkly Sticker Activity BookEco WarriorsAriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricornAquariusPiscesBusy StorytimeLet's Play, CheetahMy Magical ForestBusy GrowBusy RecyclePlanet EarthWhen I am HappySometimes I Am AngryHalloweenThe Wind in the WillowsMy Favourite UnicornI Like to be KindSometimes I Am WorriedBusy KangarooMy Favourite DinosaurScientistsArtistsThere Are 101 Things That Go In This BookMy Magical Easter BunnyBusy ScotlandMulanBaby's Very First Cloth Book: FarmBaby's Very First Cloth Book: FacesDoctor DolittleThe London Noisy BookThere Are 101 Sea Creatures in This BookWe Can Get DressedWe're Going to the DentistBusy FriendsBusy TractorMoon LandingBusy BeachAladdinWe're Going to the DoctorCan You Say Please?Super SpaceBeautiful BirdsMachinesThe Ugly DucklingSquirty Duck Bath BookSquirty Fish Bath BookFairy ForestThings That GoWe're Having a BabyI'm Starting NurseryOn the FarmIn the JungleI'm Not SleepyNo More NappiesBedtime Stories and LullabiesBusy NurseryBrilliant BugsChristmas Stories and CarolsAstronautsNursery Stories and RhymesGoldilocks and the Three BearsThe Three Little PigsFavourite StoriesDinosaursBeauty and the BeastJack and the BeanstalkCinderellaRapunzelSnow WhiteWhizzy Wheels: My First London Taxi Next