Light A National Poetry Day Book
Ages 5 to 15
Imprint: Macmillan Children's Books
A free poetry book to celebrate National Poetry Day 2015 with poems on the theme of light from Deborah Alma, Brian Moses, Chrissie Gittins, Liz Brownlee, Michaela Morgan, Jan Dean, Paul Cookson, Roger Stevens, Joseph Cohelo, Indigo Williams and Sally Crabtree.
National Poetry Day is a mass celebration, a special day on which all are invited to discover and share the enjoyment of poems. It's a chance to let language off the leash and to relish the sounds that words can make when they are spoken with delight.
We hope that the poems in this book - all inspired by this year's National Poetry Day theme of light - will kindle an enthusiasm for poetry that continues to grow long after the day itself,Thursday 8 October 2015, has passed.
64 pages
Imprint: Macmillan Children's Books