Books for Babies and Toddlers
It’s never too early for baby’s first book. From soft and cuddly touch and feel books for newborns to pop-up and lift-the-flap books for inquisitive toddlers, and stories from bestselling writers and illustrators such as Julia Donaldson, Rod Campbell and Axel Scheffler, these are books that babies and toddlers will love.
More to explore
Nia Gould
Campbell Books
Whoosh! Went the Witch: A Room on the Broom Sound Book
Julia Donaldson
Axel Scheffler
Would You Rather? Halloween
Donna David
Eamonn O’Neill
Dormouse Has a Cold
Julia Donaldson
Odo: Show and Tell
Odo's Sleepover
Amanda Li
Fun Felt Learning: BUZZ!
Priddy Books
Roger Priddy
Fun Felt Learning: STOMP!
Priddy Books
Roger Priddy
Pop-Up Pals: Animals
Priddy Books
Roger Priddy
Pop-Up Pals: Trucks
Priddy Books
Roger Priddy
My Best Friend Is A Sloth
Priddy Books
Roger Priddy
My Best Friend Is A Tiger
Priddy Books
Roger Priddy
Busy Garage
Leesh Li
Campbell Books
Busy Dancing
Campbell Books
Jana Curll
Whisper, Shout: Let It Out!
Madhvi Ramani
Anuska Allepuz
Little Baby Learns: Words
Priddy Books
Roger Priddy
Moo Cow, Moo Cow, PEEKABOO!
Campbell Books
Grace Habib
Lion, Lion, PEEKABOO
Campbell Books
Grace Habib
Halloween On The Farm
Priddy Books
Roger Priddy
Keep Smiling
Floella Benjamin
Diane Ewen
Peter Pan
Miriam Bos
Campbell Books
Busy Post Van
Campbell Books
Louise Forshaw
Busy Scooters
Campbell Books
Jana Curll
Vegesaurs: Ginger Meets the Pea-Rexes!
Macmillan Children's Books
Vegesaurs: Baby Bok's Flying Lesson
Macmillan Children's Books
Chameleon's Favourite Colour
Carly Gledhill
Who's at the Seaside?
Julia Donaldson
Lydia Monks
Where is Little Elephant?
Campbell Books
Hannah Abbo
Where is Little Kitten?
Campbell Books
Hannah Abbo
Babies Laugh at Everything
Dr Caspar Addyman
Ania Simeone
Busy Tennis
Jayri Gómez
Campbell Books
Busy Holiday
Sebastien Braun
Campbell Books
Busy Garden
Leesh Li
Campbell Books
Puppy, Puppy, PEEKABOO
Campbell Books
Grace Habib
Duckling, Duckling, PEEKABOO
Campbell Books
Grace Habib
This Little Unicorn
Coral Byers
Alberta Torres
Who's Hiding On Safari?
Campbell Books
Axel Scheffler
My Busy Backpack
Priddy Books
Roger Priddy
My First 100: Words
Priddy Books
Roger Priddy
My First 100: Animals
Priddy Books
Roger Priddy