Sing and Rhyme
Get ready to giggle and groove with books full of rhymes, songs, and poems! Perfect for little ones who love to sing, these stories will help them play with sounds and words, all while having heaps of fun.
The Singing Mermaid 10th Anniversary Edition
Julia Donaldson
Lydia Monks
Badger's Band
Julia Donaldson
Axel Scheffler
Farmer Llama
Donna David
Fred Blunt
Mole's Spectacles
Julia Donaldson
Axel Scheffler
Too Many Tickles!
Thomas Taylor
Penny Dann
A Hero Called Wolf
Lucy Rowland
Ben Mantle
Fly, Fly, Fly Your Sleigh
John Hay
Garry Parsons
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Jeanne Willis
Ross Collins
I am Dog
Peter Bently
Chris Chatterton
Busy Safari
Campbell Books
Yi-Hsuan Wu
Teresa BellĂłn
Campbell Books
Teresa BellĂłn
Campbell Books
What the Ladybird Heard at the Seaside
Julia Donaldson
Lydia Monks
What the Ladybird Heard
Julia Donaldson
Lydia Monks
What the Ladybird Heard Next
Julia Donaldson
Lydia Monks
What the Ladybird Heard on Holiday
Julia Donaldson
Lydia Monks
Teresa BellĂłn
Campbell Books
The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Book
Lucy Rowland
Ben Mantle
The Gruffalo Carousel Book
Julia Donaldson
Axel Scheffler
Christmas Poems
Gaby Morgan
Axel Scheffler
The Twelve Days of Christmas
Alex T Smith
Alex T. Smith
Rich Witch, Poor Witch
Peter Bently
Jim Field
The Shark in the Dark
Peter Bently
Ben Cort
The Noisy Jungle Book
Axel Scheffler
Room on the Broom Sound Book
Julia Donaldson
Axel Scheffler
Cats Ahoy!
Peter Bently
Jim Field
The Noisy Farm Book
Axel Scheffler
Cyril and Pat
Emily Gravett
Child's Treasury Of Nursery Rhymes
Kady MacDonald Denton
The Cook and the King
Julia Donaldson
David Roberts
The Troll
Julia Donaldson
David Roberts
Tyrannosaurus Drip
Julia Donaldson
David Roberts
The Flying Bath
Julia Donaldson
David Roberts
Sugarlump and the Unicorn Book and Toy Gift Set
Julia Donaldson
Lydia Monks
Vera Jewel is Late for School
Nicola Kent
The Princess and the Wizard
Julia Donaldson
Lydia Monks
Sugarlump and the Unicorn
Julia Donaldson
Lydia Monks
Sharing a Shell
Julia Donaldson
Lydia Monks
The Rhyming Rabbit
Julia Donaldson
Lydia Monks
The Singing Mermaid
Julia Donaldson
Lydia Monks