Tales & Legends
Fairy tales and folklore, from classic to modern, bring magic, adventure, and life lessons to young readers, nurturing imagination and moral understanding.
Hansel and Gretel
Bethan Woollvin
The Room on the Broom Party Book
Julia Donaldson
Axel Scheffler
Room on the Broom Sound Book
Julia Donaldson
Axel Scheffler
The Emperor of Absurdia
Chris Riddell
Sugarlump and the Unicorn Sticker Book
Julia Donaldson
Lydia Monks
Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain
Verna Aardema
Beatriz Vidal
On the Way Home
Jill Murphy
Sugarlump and the Unicorn Book and Toy Gift Set
Julia Donaldson
Lydia Monks
Bethan Woollvin
Princess Mirror-Belle and the Dragon Pox
Julia Donaldson
Lydia Monks
Sugarlump and the Unicorn
Julia Donaldson
Lydia Monks
Wolf Won't Bite!
Emily Gravett
Little Red Reading Hood
Lucy Rowland
Ben Mantle
The Great Gran Plan
Elli Woollard
Steven Lenton
Little Red
Bethan Woollvin
The Magic Paintbrush
Julia Donaldson
Joel Stewart
Magical Stories for 5 Year Olds
Helen Paiba
The Dragon and the Nibblesome Knight
Elli Woollard
Benji Davies
The Giant of Jum
Elli Woollard
Benji Davies
The Gruffalo
Julia Donaldson
Axel Scheffler
The Gruffalo's Child
Julia Donaldson
Axel Scheffler
Charlie Cook's Favourite Book
Julia Donaldson
Axel Scheffler
The Gruffalo Latin Edition
Julia Donaldson
Axel Scheffler
Charlie Cook's Favourite Book Big Book
Julia Donaldson
Axel Scheffler
The Room on the Broom Play
Julia Donaldson
Axel Scheffler
Room on the Broom Big Book
Julia Donaldson
Axel Scheffler
The Gruffalo Big Book
Julia Donaldson
Axel Scheffler