Kingfisher Books
I Wonder Why Spiders Spin Webs
Amanda O'Neill
Bethany Lord
I Wonder Why Planes Have Wings
Christopher Maynard
Josy Bloggs
The Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia
Kingfisher (individual)
I Wonder Why Triceratops Had Horns
Marie-Ève Tremblay
Rod Theodorou
I Wonder Why Leaves Change Colour
Andrew Charman
Gareth Lucas
Everyday STEM Engineering – Electrical Engineering
Jenny Jacoby
Luna Valentine
The Spectacular Science of Inventions
Rob Colson
Moreno Chiacchiera
The Spectacular Science of Vehicles
Rob Colson
Moreno Chiacchiera
Really Big Questions For Daring Thinkers
Stephen Law
Nishant Choksi
Everyday STEM Maths – Maths In Action
Lou Abercrombie
Evelyn Rogers
Really Big Questions for Daring Thinkers: Science
Holly Cave
Marc Aspinall
The Football Encyclopedia
Clive Gifford
The Spectacular Science of Art
Rob Colson
Moreno Chiacchiera
I Wonder Why The Wind Blows
Anita Ganeri
Marie-Ève Tremblay
I Wonder Why Snakes Shed Their Skin
Amanda O'Neill
Gareth Lucas
The Spectacular Science of the Living World
Rob Colson
Moreno Chiacchiera
Basher Science: Biology
Simon Basher
Dan Green
The Spectacular Science of the Human Body
Rob Colson
Moreno Chiacchiera
The Spectacular Science of Planet Earth
Rob Colson
Moreno Chiacchiera
How the World Works
Clive Gifford
Get Into Art
Susie Brooks
I Wonder Why Stars Twinkle
Carole Stott
Marie-Ève Tremblay
I Wonder Why Camels Have Humps
Anita Ganeri
Gareth Lucas
Basher Science: Extreme Biology
Simon Basher
Dan Green
Amazing Machines In Busy Places: Construction Site
Tony Mitton
Ant Parker
The Spectacular Science of Space
Moreno Chiacchiera
Rob Colson
The Spectacular Science of Buildings
Rob Colson
Moreno Chiacchiera
My First Ballet Book
Kate Castle
Really Big Questions For Daring Thinkers: Space and Time
Mark Brake
Nishant Choksi
The Human Body Factory
Dan Green
Edmond Davis
I Wonder Why The Sun Rises
Brenda Walpole
Marie-Ève Tremblay
I Wonder Why the Sea is Salty
Anita Ganeri
Gareth Lucas
My First Horse and Pony Book
Kingfisher (individual)
Judith Draper
My First Horse and Pony Care Book
Judith Draper
Escape Room Puzzles: Ocean Reef Raiders
Escape Room Puzzles: Attack of the Mega Bugs
Basher Science Mini: Forensics
Tom Jackson
Simon Basher
Basher Basics: Punctuation
Simon Basher
Mary Budzik
Basher Science: Extreme Physics
Simon Basher
Dan Green
Basher Science: Oceans
Simon Basher
Dan Green
Kingfisher (individual)
The Germ Lab
Richard Platt
John Kelly
Pop-Up Planet: Dinosaurs
Dragan Kordic